PhD student Chadia Uwamahoro’s Experiment Advances Understanding of Precast Concrete Seismic Response

July 20, 2023

PhD student Chadia Uwamahoro leads groundbreaking research on enhancing our understanding of the seismic response of precast concrete. Collaborating with undergraduate research assistant Grant Shishido, the team’s dedication, positive attitudes, mechanical skills, and curiosity have played a pivotal role in accelerating the project’s progress.

Chadia Uwamahoro’s experiment is shedding light on the seismic behavior of precast concrete structures, a crucial area of study in earthquake-resistant design. Through meticulous planning and execution, the team is contributing to advancements that could have a significant impact on construction practices and safety.

The support from Rapid-Span Structures Ltd. has been nothing short of phenomenal, facilitating the team’s progress and allowing them to delve deeper into their research. Such collaborations between academia and industry are instrumental in bridging the gap between theoretical insights and real-world applications.

“Research is a challenging journey, but with a team as capable and driven as this, every step becomes an opportunity for growth and discovery. We are excited about the potential impact of our findings on seismic engineering and building resilient communities,” said Dr. Lisa Tobber at the Asset Group.


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